Hello there!
I’m Emily Lynn, a young lady with a passion for growth and learning outside of my boundaries.
With a background in the Fine Arts, I studied at Ferris State University in Digital Animation and Game Design to expand my knowledge into the digital world. This sparked a new light in where my skill sets are capable of incorporating themselves into the gaming development process. I experimented further with iterative art to visualize ideas and representing the requirements set in place.
Outside of my own artistic world, I love rollerblading, processing my own growth, and networking. Over the summer months of 2016, I rollerbladed 1200+ miles; approximately 10 miles every day for 5 months. This was the starting point in keeping track of my other personal accomplishments.
Networking forced me to expand outside of my social comfort zone as a way to meet great people and see a glimpse of the opportunities that people have experienced in their own lives. It’s always interesting to discuss topics that I never would have thought about in a million years.
With a strong emphasis on knowledge and progress, I’m looking for full-time opportunities in a creative environment that can expand my skills further through the tasks and challenges at hand.
Reach out to emily@wishuponapixel.com if you’d love to connect.